By individual reorientation and career counseling we understand the recognition of your individual abilities and potentials as well as the development and implementation of these for your career path.
Triggers for career counseling include:
- Your current position does not fulfill you
- The development opportunities in your position are limited
- You want or need to reorient yourself professionally
- You would like to identify and make the best use of your skills
- You would like the support of a professional coach during the orientation or transition period.
Contents of this coaching are e.g.:
- Development of personal visions
- Determining your current position with an analysis of strengths and weaknesses
- Development of a sustainable self-marketing
- Identification and realization of hidden or unused potentials
- Acceptance and conflict management
- Optimization of the work-life balance
- Prevention of burnout and dealing with mobbing
- Review of life and career planning
- Preparation for new positions
- Conflicts between private and professional life
- Decision making
Do you have any questions?
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Would you like to learn more about our coaching offers? Please get in touch with us. We will be happy to take the time for a conversation.
Or give us a call: +49 89 99 01 84 90